Jack // Untitled! //
Saddle Creek Records [the mp3 jukebox is major] // Badly Drawn Kitties //
Digital Club Network // Chic Nerd Comics //
Elephant 6 // Dischord Records //
Neutral Milk Hotel [greatest band of all time] // Better Days //
Pitchfork Media // Criminal Records [my local record
store] // Commander Kitty //
Friend Bear // A Doemain of Our Own // The Belfry Comics Index //
Vinci and Arty // Merge Records [best record company ever?] // Purple Pussy (not porn) // Vreakerz
// OnlineComics.net // Altermeta //
Oh the Humanity! // Korsil.net
If you want a copy of Albion Fuzz/Bohemials, I can hook you up, but I can't link to it because it's no longer on the internet.
And if for some reason, you want to link to my site, here's a present:
